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Diver planting Reef Star on Hope Reef

Our Sustainability Pledges

The SHEBA® brand goes beyond providing the delicious, nutritional food your cats adore. Read on as we explain how we’re building a more hopeful and sustainable future.

Thriving coral reef with school of fish

sourced fish

Thriving coral reef with school of fish

We’re committed to sustainably-sourced fish and work with ocean protection organizations to ensure we’re helping life underwater to flourish.

Our commitment to building a more sustainable world is nothing new for us. For a decade, Mars, the parent company of the SHEBA® Brand, has worked with the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) and other leading certifying organizations and industry experts to make their fish buying practices more sustainable.

Mars is committed to 100% sustainably sourced fish. Mars aims to source from fisheries that are managed to maintain the diversity of the fish ecosystem, and is committed to not sourcing fish that are endangered according to its guidelines and to the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Red List.

Mars also seeks to minimize its use of fish ingredients that are appropriate for human consumption where possible, with the objective of reducing pressure on human food supply and ecosystems.

School of fish with Tuna


School of fish with Tuna

We are adapting our work to enter a world where there is less packaging waste. Our goal is to recycle the packaging. 100% recyclable or biodegradable.

Sustainable packaging is one of Mars' top priorities. It has set ambitious goals to ensure its products continue to meet the highest market standards while aiming to protect natural resources.

Mars is working towards a world where packaging never becomes waste and instead forms part of a circular economy.

One of the ways to do this is to make the packaging recyclable. This includes reducing the use of virgin plastics (plastics that have never been recycled before).

Our SHEBA® aluminum trays and cardboard sleeves are commonly recyclable across Europe.

Globally, there are many complex challenges ahead and this will be a continuous journey. However, Mars is working with partners to help ensure its products are as sustainable on the outside as they are on the inside.

Mars worker, looking at recyclable packaging

Tackling climate

Mars worker, looking at recyclable packaging

We’re proud to be part of a $1bn investment to drive social and environmental change.

Mars, the parent company of the SHEBA® Brand is facing Climate Change head on with their Sustainable in a Generation Plan - cutting greenhouse gases 50% by 2030, and aiming to reach net zero by 2050.

Since climate change represents the greatest threat to coral reefs worldwide, we believe restoration efforts, like Hope Reef, can be one important part of the solution.

In addition, Mars has elected to be a ‘Business Avenger’ for the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 14, ‘Life Below Water’. Through this commitment, it will work with the UN and others to boost innovation and collaboration on Goal 14, which focuses on conserving and sustainably using the oceans, seas and marine resources.

Unfortunately this topic hasn’t always been a top priority of the global community, and there are many environmental and social challenges to overcome.

This has to change, which is why Mars is putting the full weight of one of its most loved brands behind this critical issue and working hard to build a more sustainable future.

Sun setting over a boat near Hope Reef

SHEBA® Products for Sustainably Sourced Fish

Sun setting over a boat near Hope Reef

Treat your beloved felines to their favorite meals and snacks, knowing you’re doing your bit for the environment too.

We serve your cats delicious food with integrity. That means it tastes good, but it’s also been created in a way that’s mindful of the planet. To meet the expectations of our pickiest customers (your cats), only the finest ingredients will ever fill their plates.

We care deeply about the quality and sustainability of our food and we're investing across our supply chain to help ensure our ingredients can be more sustainably sourced.

We’re also working toward a world where our packaging never becomes waste, with a vision of a circular economy in which packaging is recyclable, reusable or compostable.

Eager to work

Are you a business or organization wanting to leave a positive impact on the world? Let’s explore how we restore coral reefs together.